„Borga“ is better. A Borga is a Ghanaian abroad living an excessive wealthy lifestyle. At least that’s what they want everyone to believe...
The two brothers Kojo and Yoofi grow up on the electronic waste dump Agbogbloshi, which is based within Ghana’s capital Accra. In order to survive, they are extracting valuable metals by burning western electronic devices. Kojo is a second born son who wants to gain the acknowledgment and respect of his father. One day Kojo meets a Borga from Germany. His dream of going there is born. 10 years later he leaves his family behind in order to fulfill his dream of becoming a Borga. Arriving in Germany after a five-year odyssey through the continents he realizes quickly that he was chasing a myth. Germany does not welcome him with open arms. But going back is no option! Being ashamed of coming home not having made it, he has to fulfil the picture of the wealthy Borga from Germany…
“You people think it’s easy, but most of them are suffering. I know a guy in Germany, and he’s begging for his food. Most of the Borgas don’t say the truth. Because if you really know how it is, you know life abroad sucks.”
— Sarkodie, Song "Borga, Borga"