“For me BORGA is the fight for respect and dignity.
It is the urge to go out into the world in order to arrive.
To tell the story that is not told there.”

- Prince Kuhlmann, Actor

“In my community here in Germany we don't know of any German film that has ever told an African story from the perspective of a black person. BORGA is the story of my father, my uncle, the story of most of the black people who came to Germany and the story of everyone who has left their home hopping to create a better life for their families and themselves. It is the story of a black man that is told without any pity, just plain and raw.”

- Eugene Boateng, Lead Actor & Associate Producer

"The film project graciously deals with the currently much-discussed issue of flight circumstances and causes of flight..."

Member of the Landtag Baden-Württemberg, Daniel Lede Abal


„The reality of young Africans is at best unknown or clichéd.“

Youth Foundation Baden-Württemberg, Wolfgang Antes


„In our view, [Borga] offers a very suitable introduction to the complex debate on motives and reasons for migration movements worldwide and also the ambivalent role of Europe in this context.“

Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Department Africa


„BORGA highlights a well-known environmental and health protection issue from a new and different perspective.“

Federal Environment Agency - focal point Basel Convention


“We also try to give these people a face and a voice, so that their fates do not disappear in abstract numbers and images. This is exactly what your film project does, which we therefore strongly support.”

Oxfam Germany


“…the film points to other major problems, such as electronic waste, child labour, racism, and integration.”

Editor-in-chief, Der Spiegel, Klaus Brinkbäumer


“…such projects can make a valuable contribution to empowering people and promoting tolerance and understanding for those who are forced to leave their homes.”

National Chairman Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen BW, Oliver Hildebrand


„With the character Kojo, a migrant group is given a story and a face that often threatens to disappear behind the categorization of economic refugees.“

Heinrich Böll Foundation Baden-Württemberg


„... BORGA makes an important contribution to clarifying the variety of current causes of flight and paints a differentiated image…”

Refugee Council Berlin e.V.